Be the light and help us light up the 318!
Mudbug Madness Festival/Downtown Shreveport Unlimited is on a mission to light up Clyde Fant Parkway and the riverfront! Lighting downtown has been a tradition since 1998 when we received a 3-year grant from the Shreveport-Bossier Convention and Tourist Bureau and the City of Shreveport to spruce up the Streetscape poles and encourage more traffic through downtown. The wreaths were purchased and continued to be put up and maintained by DDA. In 2016, the tree and lights were given to the City by the Franks Foundation and DSU. It has become a tradition in downtown Shreveport that the City of Shreveport lights the Christmas tree and we celebrate with the Rockets over the Red fireworks display. Did you know that Mudbug Madness/DSU was the original presenter of Rockets over the Red fireworks? This event happens each Saturday following Thanksgiving and the lights remain through the new year.
Currently, this holiday lighting program is in jeopardy and we would like to help. We are asking local businesses and individuals to donate to "Light up the 318" in order to keep the spirit of the holidays alive in the 318! Visitors and locals can enjoy the lights safely from their cars or can stroll down the parkway if they feel inclined. Shreveport is the destination for those traveling the Holiday Trail of Lights and we truly believe the lights bring holiday magic to our city! We are committed to the future of the downtown lighting program and the traditions it brings to the community and its' families.
Please consider a donation to help us Light up the 318! Downtown Shreveport Unlimited is a 501c3, non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible. 100% of all funds raised will be applied to the cost of the holiday lighting project.